Technology Helps Turn a Profit
In an industry where high-value assets – both human resources and equipment – can be sent away to remote geographic areas for lengthy periods of time, ensuring the safety of crews and…
Historic Wooden Pipe Display Coming to WWETT 2015
The show floor at WWETT 2015 will be filled with the latest and greatest products the water and wastewater industry has to offer. But it’s also important to remember where the industry…
GOP Plan Seeks $800 Million for North Dakota Infrastructure
As the nation’s No. 2 oil producer behind Texas, North Dakota has seen its share of oil boom benefits. But with stratospheric growth in the oil sector also comes a huge influx of…
4 Reasons You Should Expand into the Marcellus Shale
King Pin. Behemoth. Big Daddy. All those names are fitting colloquial terms for the Marcellus Shale formation.
We might all realize it is big — around 95,000 square miles, according…
Resource Development: How Much Infrastructure Should Government Pay For?
Determining how much money government should devote to developing infrastructure such as roads, seaports, railways and airports to assist the resource sector in developing oil, gas and…