Wyoming’s EORI Plans For The Future of Oil Production
Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute, University of Wyoming partnership develops different methods of producing oil in the state.
News Briefs: EIA Predicts Production Decline in Eagle Ford, Bakken, Niobrara Plays
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) again forecasted oil production to fall in the Eagle Ford, Bakken and Niobrara plays in December. It’ll be the 10th straight month of…
Blog: 5 Takeaways From the November Issue
Gas, Oil & Mining Contractor is here to help you succeed
Oilfield Helping Hands Still Expanding And Helping
Organization formed by oilfield workers to help other workers through tough times.
News Briefs: Texas Oil Production Moving Up in World Ranking
Texas oil production could exceed the output of every OPEC country but Saudi Arabia by the end of this year, according to Greg Leveille, manager for technology program-unconventional…