When you want to know more about your prospective customers, where do you go? Straight to the source, you might answer. That’s what we at GOMC are doing right now; we’ve launched an online survey to learn more about the support service contractors we serve.
The gas, oil and mining industries are experiencing dynamic growth and change across North America, and we need to talk to workers on the ground in mines and at drilling sites to learn more about topics and issues that concern you most. Your feedback about the magazine will help us provide relevant content to help you become more profitable.
After all, profit is why you’re in business in the first place. You want to operate efficiently and safely to drive the revenues necessary to pay your hardworking crews and grow the business.
So please click here and take a few minutes to answer our short survey:
Thanks for your help!
If you have a comment, question or suggestion for a future blog post, please let me know by email at [email protected].
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