The Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo is only a few days away, and we’re doing some new things this year for you and your businesses.
First off, our editors’ booth will be located right next the registration counter by the main entrance to the exhibit hall. If you stop by the booth you can get a picture and press release personalized with your business information to send to your local publications. It’s a quick, free and easy way to let your customers know you’re doing what it takes to stay on top of the latest industry trends and technology. And if you take a moment to fill out a short questionnaire, we’ll enter you in a daily drawing for two free passes to next year’s Expo.
We also want to see photos of your week in Indy. Today’s phones make it possible for just about anyone to take a photo anytime, anywhere, so don’t be shy about capturing your Expo memories. Take pictures of your favorite events, people and places in Indy throughout the week and post them to the Pumper Show Facebook page, tweet them with the #pumpershow hashtag, or email them to [email protected]. We’ll pick our 10 favorites after the show and nine lucky photographers will receive two free passes to the 2014 Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo. One grand prize winner will receive two free passes to the 2014 Expo and a complimentary two-night hotel stay. The grand-prize-winning photo may also appear in our magazines.
Of course, we’re also looking for great stories, so stop by the editors’ booth or flag us down on the floor and tell us about your business and the work you do.
See you in Indy.
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