Inside the July 2013 Issue of Gas, Oil & Mining Contractor

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Cover Story: Carrying Their Weight

New Mexico-based Crane Service Inc. flexes its considerable machine muscle across a huge region for the energy and resources sectors.

Bakken Extra: Treating the Boom

Rapid growth in the Bakken Shale area spurs need for decentralized wastewater treatment solutions

Product Focus: Dewatering / Separation Equipment

Case Study: Dewatering / Separation Equipment

Expo Spotlight: Cool Factor

Expo guests given first-time look at Thermaflow hydraulic cooling system.

Industry News - July 2013

Product News - July 2013

Product Spotlight: Talbert trailer is light enough to transport excavators without superload permit

Calendar: Trade Shows and Conferences

Tech Perspective: Built for the Haul

Selecting the right trailers for your fleet requires careful consideration and analysis of needs and conditions.

Building the Business: Sell Them From the Start

Your customers’ very first impression is the greeting they get when they call, so don’t underestimate the value of a great receptionist.

Editor's Notebook: Promising Future in the Bakken

New USGS assessment reveals a greater volume of recoverable oil and gas, and that means more demand for the services you provide.

Editor's Choice: We’re bringing you exclusive online content at

On the Money: Efficient Communication

Take a close look at your phone service and you’ll find ways to shave dollars off a growing monthly bill.

Safety First: Eliminate the Danger

Identifying hazards is just the first step toward creating and maintaining a safe workplace.

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