If you have hydroexcavation skills and vacuum truck knowledge or any tips and trick you’ve learned that you’d like to share with your industry peers, now is your time to shine.
Think you’ve got what it takes to present an informational seminar on truck safety, teach attendees about expanding an oilfield business, or impart your hydroexcavation knowledge onto new support services company owners?
COLE Inc. is now accepting proposals for seminars to be presented at the 2015 Water and Wastewater Equipment Treatment and Transport (WWETT) show in Indianapolis.
If you are interested in presenting, please send us a completed seminar proposal form no later than Aug. 1, 2014. Complete the form at wwett.com/CFP.
Bonus! Speakers whose submissions are accepted will receive four full registration passes to WWETT 2015 and a $100 speaking fee.
Hour-long presentations should cover topics from a neutral, non-product-specific point of view. Think educational, not promotional.
We are accepting submissions on the following topics:
- Septic collection, treatment, disposal
- Grease collection, treatment, disposal
- Municipal collection, treatment, disposal
- Dewatering, biosolids, treatment, technology
- Business – marketing, financials, social media
- Safety
- Trucks & service vehicles – DOT regs, service, maintenance
- Technology and software
- Excavation methods
Click here to fill out the form.
WWETT 2015 will be held Feb. 23-26 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Ind. For more information, and to see photos from 2014, a list of previous vendors and more, visit www.wwett.com.
For more information about seminar proposal requirements, contact Julie Gensler at julieg@colepublishing.com or call 866/933-2653.