With the advent of new technology in large diesel engines, fuel injectors have tighter clearances than ever, and it has been well documented that both moisture and very fine particulate contamination in the fuel can cause inefficient operation and premature failure of the injectors. As a result, there is an increasing need to purify bulk diesel fuel before it is even dispensed to the engine.
Oil Filtration Systems - A Clark-Reliance Company has developed a complete line of fuel filtration and coalescing systems designed to remove both very fine particulate and moisture contamination from diesel fuel, primarily used on bulk tanks in fuel depots and fuel farms. Particulate contamination is removed to very low levels using absolute rated 2.5 micron filter elements, and moisture is removed using high-efficiency coalescer/separator filter elements.
These systems are available in a wide variety of flow rates to match an end-user’s specific application, and they will ensure that diesel fuel is absolutely clean and dry at the point of dispensing.
For more information, call 830/816-3332 or visit www.oilfiltrationsystems.com.