FTP Site Information

Ads can be sent via FTP to COLE at any time utilizing the always available FTP site. We recommend using Filezilla, a free FTP client available for all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux).

Enter the following information into Filezilla (or any other FTP client):

  • server address: ftp.colepublishing.com
  • user name: cole
  • password: visitor

Ads should be within a folder titled with the company name and issue. No punctuation or characters other than standard letters and numbers are allowed on any files or folders, meaning slashes, asterisks, spaces etc. Ads should be stuffed or zipped when possible.

Anything over 100 MB, please call or e-mail before uploading. Please e-mail debbiev@colepublishing.com when the ad is completely uploaded. Also attach a low-resolution proof of the ad.

In The The Latest Issue

  • Motivating the Unmotivated

    Play to your employees’ personality types to get the most out of even the most lackluster performers

  • Bulk Containment & Storage

    Permanent and portable bulk storage and containment devices provide flexibility in the field and spill protection

  • More Than the Dairy State

    We’re not just cheese and beer. Wisconsin is contributing a natural resource vital to new domestic oil and gas exploration and extraction.

  • A Day to Learn

    Education Day at the Pumper & Cleaner Expo delivers an array of business-building knowledge for support service companies in the gas, oil and mining sectors


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Past Issues