Check out our September Contractor Profile story

In either the print or online versions of GOMC Magazine, take a look at our contractor profile story for September, on Canadian Shield Consultants Agency Inc.

Canadian Shield has made a name for itself providing onsite wastewater service to remote gas, oil and mining sites. Initially focusing on wastewater system design, the company has since expanded to offer turnkey service, including design, manufacture, installation and operation. “For years, mining camps popped up so quickly that there was no time to measure the impact of these new activities on the environment,’’ says president Gerry Dignard. “Our product is a response to the regulations that finally caught up with the activity.”

Take a look at let me know what you think of the story. And then think about whether you’d like to share your knowledge of the industry with others in a profile story. We’re always on the lookout for professional support services companies to feature on the cover of our magazine. .

Drop me an email here [email protected] and I will call you to discuss including your success story in the pages of GOMC Magazine. Until then, have a great week!



Article Comments
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#1 from Tatsuya Nakagawa on December 05, 2012

Great advice. Simple, but very few companies do this well.

#2 from Beverly Lewis on November 13, 2012

Great article! This is a great company tucked away in the hills of West Virginia. He works hard to take care of his customers and his employees. His innovative thinking and engineering background has created solutions that help his community. They are a fine example of a company on the move.

#3 from Von Essen Consulting on September 19, 2012

congratulations to everyone involved at Target Logistics

#4 from Office Manager on September 10, 2012

Great article. I know first hand how serious these situations can be, my son was buried in a cave-in. Thankfully he was o.k., just minor cuts and scrapes. Our company also has OSHA regulations on an easy to use CD-ROM updated with the latest changes.

#5 from Beverly Lewis on September 06, 2012

Thank you for this article!  It’s great to hear success stories of hard-working families.  I was equally glad to hear a story about people in the pumping industry working with the fracking industry.  This is a major boom for the US right now! 

I love to hear that taking care of customers for long-term relationships is more important that a short-term gain.  Great job to Savage,  I wish them the very best for the future growth of their company! 

Nice article!

#6 from Sean Harmer on March 07, 2012

Hi Jim -

Thanks for writing this piece and giving some background on the businessman.  I know this happens all the time and I’m glad to see you pushed back.  There is a lot of great content that has considerable value. Just taking it is essentially stealing from that value - which someone else created. 

I doubt that businessman was trying to be malicious.  However, there is a whole other world of malicious plagiarism, content theft, and data mining.  I was just talking with someone recently who was trying to quantify the total damage caused to businesses that manage content , classifieds, or even user data.  We’ll see what she comes back with.

Perhaps you can write a piece about the ways businesses or individuals can addresses this issue when they’re the victim.  Like the DMCA, Captcha, etc…

#7 from lisanne on October 07, 2011

I agree, we need to know these regulations.

#8 from BOB on July 18, 2011


#9 from bb on July 18, 2011

have a great birthday!

#10 from Mark Billings on July 14, 2011

In addition to the section on “Staying in moment”, it cannot be overlooked that the human mind is a powerful tool for fulfilling our desires. It is said, “What you put your attention on, grows.”

If we focus on the failure, rather than the lessons learned and the valiant attempt made, then it will likely grow in our experience, further reinforcing the negative thinking, as if it were justified. Instead, it is the “doom and gloom” that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Some people are very prophetic in that regard.

Better to put the attention where you would like to be and consistently put forward the efforts in that direction. Somehow, some way, that positive persistence draws support, ultimately, from those around us. Success breeds success, and most other people want to see us succeed. Only by moving in that direction will we get where we want to go.

Spend your efforts where they will add to your success, but most importantly, put your attention and mind-set on the goal. It can only grow closer with the greater focus.

#11 from BB on July 14, 2011

Thanks for the information. very informatiive.

#12 from BB on July 14, 2011

NOt sure the size of the labor pool is the issue. Its the quality.

#13 from BB on July 14, 2011

Thanks for the information.

#14 from Steve Webster on June 14, 2011

We have a number of good used HXX trucks if needed.

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