Do you exhibit company pride through the gleaming feature-filled fleet of trucks that rumble out of your yard every morning? We’re showcasing these moneymaking workhorses in our new feature, Rockin’ the Rig. And we want to share the photos and stories of your favorite work trucks.
We kicked off the new feature last month when Ron McCumbers, of Top Dog Well Service LLC, Normantown, W.Va., sent a photo of his newest water hauler on the Marcellus shale play, a 2011 Peterrbilt. The truck was built out by Curry Vac with a 100-barrel steel vacuum tank and Masport 400 liquid-cooled pump and hauls frac water between gas rigs.
“This is a personal truck,’’ he said of the Pete. “I drive it myself and I got it the way I wanted it. I’ve never let anybody else drive it. It’s got that classic Peterbilt look, the stereo is super nice and it’s like driving my pickup down the road.’’
McCumbers was happy to see his first new truck in the pages of GOMC. Now it’s your turn. And it’s easy to submit your photo and truck information for Rockin’ the Rig. All you have to do is snap a photo of the entire truck, bumper to bumper, and send it to me, along with a description of the rig and its accessories. We’ll to the rest.
Send your submissions to me at [email protected].
#1 from .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on January 02, 2013
Describe Introvert… I’m curious.